Poor bitch thomas wonderfalls
Poor bitch thomas wonderfalls

We’re not even going to pretend you’re reading the captions. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Not us.Īnyway, here is a gallery of Tom Daley pictures, in various states of undress. And we can say that, because you are still not reading this. Keek, in case you were wondering, is just Twitter for videos. After all, this week's installment, written by Ashley Miller. 'Momentum can be deferred, but it must always be paid back in full.' Perhaps it was because I had such high expectations for this week's episode of Fringe ('Momentum Deferred') that I was so brutally disappointed. In the rare instance that you are, in fact, reading these words, and not skipping frantically through the gallery below, you are probably going “but why is meat-man naked? Why ain’t diver boy wearing no clothes?”, the answer is this: Tom tweeted the above snap on Twitter, earlier, in an effort to encourage his followers to actually stop following him on Twitter and instead follow him on Keek. Physics is a Bitch: Momentum Deferred on 'Fringe'. We just know him as an Olympic bronze medal-winning piece of meat who occasionally squeezes himself into a pair of tiny trunks. Nobody ever sits and goes: “so, what’s new with you, Tom? What’s going on?” We don’t know Tom Daley’s fears, or hopes, or whether he likes his peanut butter sandwiches with the crusts on or off. Just cheered and adored for jumping into lukewarm chlorinated water from a height, instead of for anything else. Well, at least five of you are.It must be tough being Tom Daley, just known for his body, and not for his mind. Oooh, oooh, one more thing – are you ready to be jealous? And I forgot the best part (well, besides Caroline), the show had a lesbian and everything in Jaye's sister Sharon. Heck, every time I hear the jaunty theme song I grin like a lovesick fool.

poor bitch thomas wonderfalls

Add snarky as all get out to that and be still my misanthropic heart. But, for serious, I would have driven to Niagra Falls to propose marriage to Jaye Tyler if she wasn't already making time with that doofy bartender (and, you know, was real.ahem). Hey, it's not creepy if you never actually come within 500-feet of the person. She is best known for her role in ‘That Girl’ as well as for being the daughter of a comedian. Marlo Thomas is a producer, actress, and social activist. Like I still harbor an unrequited, Google-her-every-couple-of-months crush on her. After Insignificant Nose Job Marlo Thomas Got Carried Away. What made “Wonderfalls” so wonderful was its deliciously winsome, unrepentantly quirky combination of cynicism, witticisms, mysticism and inanimate talking animals. “According to Jim” just got renewed for an eighth season. Quantity doesn't necessarily equal quality, especially on TV.

poor bitch thomas wonderfalls

Without complaint My neighbors aren't posting 284 IG stories. I see some of my neighbors BUST ASS working 12, 16 hour days providing for their children, struggling to pay rent, getting shit because of their accents, and still managing to make it all work. Don't let its criminally premature cancellation scare you. I get so viscerally angry at this appropriating dumb bitch. Look, if you never watched “Wonderfalls” (and that's probably all but five of you since the show only had about a dozen viewers total and subsequently got yanked after four episodes) do yourself a favor and start.

poor bitch thomas wonderfalls

I wonder if you could use it as a mixer? Nah, it'd probably be too gritty. Speaking of beverages, does anyone drink Tang anymore? Maybe astronauts? Heck, probably not even astronauts anymore.

Poor bitch thomas wonderfalls series#

The other day I was putzing around The YouTubes and landed on some videos for “Wonderfalls.” Ahh, “Wonderfalls.” Every fan of “Pushing Daisies” who never watched this show should drop whatever she is doing right now and run (seriously, make with the hurry) to the store to buy the complete series box set.

Poor bitch thomas wonderfalls